Pinakin Nayi
OpenERP Gandhinagar.
Hello Friends ,
You all are going to search how to use <html> in OpenERP .xml file here is solution that may be useful to you.
In this example i am just changing description of module in html.. (account ,module)
<record id="base.module_account" model="ir.module.module">
<field name="description"><![CDATA[
<h2><u>Accounting and Financial Management.</u></h2>
This applies to the modules containing modulename_process.xml.
<li>General Accounting</ol>
<li>Cost/Analytic accounting</ol>
<li>Third party accounting</ol>
<li>Taxes management</ol>
<li>Customer and Supplier Invoices</ol>
<li>Bank statements</ol>
<li>Reconciliation process by partner</ol>
Creates a dashboard for accountants that includes:
<li>List of Customer Invoice to Approve</ol>
<li>Company Analysis</ol>
<li>Graph of Treasury</ol>
<p>The processes like maintaining of general ledger is done through the defined financial Journals (entry move line orgrouping is maintained through journal) for a particular
financial year and for preparation of vouchers there is a module named account_voucher.</p>
and server/trunk/openerp/addons/base/module/module_view.xml
<page string="Description">
<field name="description" widget="text_html"/>
OpenERP Gandhinagar.
Hello Friends ,
You all are going to search how to use <html> in OpenERP .xml file here is solution that may be useful to you.
In this example i am just changing description of module in html.. (account ,module)
<record id="base.module_account" model="ir.module.module">
<field name="description"><![CDATA[
<h2><u>Accounting and Financial Management.</u></h2>
This applies to the modules containing modulename_process.xml.
<li>General Accounting</ol>
<li>Cost/Analytic accounting</ol>
<li>Third party accounting</ol>
<li>Taxes management</ol>
<li>Customer and Supplier Invoices</ol>
<li>Bank statements</ol>
<li>Reconciliation process by partner</ol>
Creates a dashboard for accountants that includes:
<li>List of Customer Invoice to Approve</ol>
<li>Company Analysis</ol>
<li>Graph of Treasury</ol>
<p>The processes like maintaining of general ledger is done through the defined financial Journals (entry move line orgrouping is maintained through journal) for a particular
financial year and for preparation of vouchers there is a module named account_voucher.</p>
and server/trunk/openerp/addons/base/module/module_view.xml
<page string="Description">
<field name="description" widget="text_html"/>