Showing posts with label OpenERP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OpenERP. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

work with Marketing Campaign Odoo(formelly OpenERP)

How to work with Marketing Campaign Odoo(formelly OpenERP) ?

1. If you want to send an email based on campaign, you need to create campaign first with mode: Normal(can be any).
2. Assign that created campaign to the segment.You can also apply filter, if you want to send an email to specific group.
3. You need to run the campaign, and then you can run the segment.
4. Based on the given criteria, Campaign follow-up will be taken.
Based on syncronization mode the mail will be sent.

For more info:

Hope this information may help you.

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Hide field in tree view based on condition

Hide Field in Tree view

In tree view we know how to put domain or attrs to visible or invisible any field,

But, if we want to hide particular field in tree view based on type or state means based on any condition , then its hard to hide as we cannot use attrs to hide as attrs hide only value not a field.

So, its need to put some condition like below as its get value from context and check.

invisible="context.get('picking_type', False) in ['in']"

Version : V8

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Set reply to in OpenERP

How to set reply to in OpenERP ?

I think you all are searching about how to use reply-to in OpenERP 7.0 ?

If we are about to set mail configuration of any company than there is mail alias in picture we already talked about mail alias as how to set and configure mail alias and how it works.
Mail Alias in OpenERP

But, the problem when we send a mail to any customer and if customer reply to that mail at that time there may be chances to loose
mail so we need to configure reply to proper so whenever customer reply than it will take the reply to mail.

so, there are two ways either we hard code for reply to and another way little bit hacking like set defaults from web UI .

Here, i defined some steps so admin can easily configure default.

1. Just login with admin user.
2. Activate developer mode .

3. Now, go to mails and create a new mail and set reply to any mail you want to set in reply to.

4. open debug mode and select "Set Defaults" so it will open one dialog from that select reply to = XXXXX and set as per requirement for all users or only one.

Now, You can test there is reply to added in mail....

.. Enjoy ..

Friday, 13 September 2013

Only Tax invoice with OpenERP

Today , concern about how to create any invoice with only tax amount.

In real business sometimes its needed to create invoice where there is no any products but only vat or any tax.

Ex. Suppose in shipping company which contain an invoice line relating to import VAT. That means that the VAT amount is not a fixed percentage of the invoice.

So, how we can enter supplier invoice ?

Here are some steps that may be useful to you.

1. Set up Tax through(Accounting > Configuration > Tax).
    And in it just set tax type to "Python code"
    And set as follow(in result just assign price_unit direct no need to multiply).
Python Code
# price_unit
# product: product.product object or None
# partner: res.partner object or None

result = price_unit
Python Code (reverse)
# price_unit
# product: product.product object or False

result = price_unit
And just tick "Tax included in price" (so it consider as the tax already included in price).
2. Now, its time to create a new product named like "VAT" service type.
    Under the Accounting tab in product add supplier Taxes to be the created tax.
3. Now, create a supplier invoice and in it select created product VAT, and you can edit unit price and set it as per requirement. 
  So, you can see the whole amount treat as tax and you can validate invoice.

Why we have to go through this process ?? Because in OpenERP will not allow you to create any invoice without invoice line.

Hope this will help to you.


Monday, 22 July 2013

Unable to create lead from email

Hello All,

I think you all are facing problem of lead/helpdesk. As its not created automatically mail.

You have configured your mail server correctly action to create lead correctly set but still all
mail are not fectched or all mails are not create lead/helpdesk right ?

Some mails create messages instead of new lead ?

So, there may be chances you have configured mail server thats silently broken.

So, avoid this kind of stuff you can just check your mail server and check your aliases both are same , means here i give you example.

in your mail server : for fetching incoming mail.

now in your users if there is similar 'nayi.pinakin' than its create problem.

So, check your aliases and be sure there is fetch mail server and user are not same.


Thursday, 6 June 2013

Field level Security in OpenERP

Field level Security in OpenERP

In openerp erp its some times its needed to secure system.

So, there are lots of way to secure System. You can create access rights, Groups or etc.

But i think some times needed to field level security also. So, we can simply groups= "xyz group" so it will simply manage and that particular user can access. You can also restrict from xml also.

But if you try same thing in 7 also than you find if in fields you put "group1" and now, if you login with other group user which have all access rights of current object and you have put another group on fields than it will give you access rights warning and not able to access whole object.

So, in that case you can achieve from following code.

'standard_price': fields.float('Cost', write=['base.group_sale_manager'], read=['base.group_user']),

Suppose, here i give you example of standard price in this i give read right to 'base.group_user' and for write rights give to sales manager so, now you can restrict it by only sales manager can update cost price and the rest of user can only see but not rights to update.

And for invisible particular field you can use groups in xml file also.
So, you can achieve field level security as well as xml security to hide.

<field name="standard_price" groups="base.group_sale_manager"/>

We hope it will useful to you.


Monday, 15 April 2013

Example of xmlrpc and openerp

How to work with xmlrpc and OpenERP?

Here example of xmlrpc and openerp ....
save following file as

You can also create xmlrpc for the use of import or export data. Or you can also create a new records also.

Example : 
import xmlrpclib
username = 'admin'
password = 'a'
database = 'test_60A'
sock_comm = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/common')
uid = sock_comm.login(database,username,password)
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/object')
print "connection success full"
ids = sock.execute(database,uid, password,'', 'search', [])
print "list of ids",ids
#ids will contain ids of company A and B
sock.execute(database,uid, password, '', 'write', ids, {'rml_header1': 'hop'})

start server and run file $  python

With workflow(invoice validate) :
sock.exec_workflow (dbname, 1, pwd, 'account.invoice', 'invoice_open', inv_id)

Here a example of connect with server and fetch list of ids of company and just call write operation you can do
the operation which needed..


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

How to apply patch in OpenERP ?

How to apply patch in OpenERP ?

Hello All, I think most of all of you guys in search of "How to apply Patch? Or What is patch?", yes, if you are developer than you know but if you are not a developer than its creates problem about to patch.

Here i try to describe some of steps or trick to apply patch, how it will be helpful to you all.

What is patch ?

Simply, patch is piece of some bug(error) fixing or some improvements of existing system.In another way patch means you are using any software and there is any error or need to improve or something else you want to do with existing system than obisiously you are trying such a thing in temperory source and if its work fine than you have to change in main code

For Apply :

1. If you use Ubuntu (Mind blowing Open Source) than its easy to apply patch.
 From command prompt follow the command :

 Go to particular directory and just apply patch
    > patch -p1 < ~/Desktop/xxx.patch

Or if you are using the Eclipse

2. If you are using Eclipse than also its, became easy to apply patch.
For that right click on addons folder then click on "Team" and select apply patch you will get the wizard to apply the patch.


View Larger Map

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Full Configuration of Warehouse in OpenERP

                                                                                                 Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                 OpenERP, Gandhinagar, India.

Full Configuration of Warehouse system in OpenERP

Hello All,

 I hope you all are about to search "Full Configuration of Warehouse in specific OpenERP" , I just try to explain the steps which will may be helpful to you all to configure your system or make it suitable for warehousing. Enjoy its.

Here I have tried to explain certain steps that all are may be useful to you.

1. Create two warehouse user. (off1,off2)

2. Create warehouses (A and b) within same company

3. Set the responsible :
      - Off1 is responsible for warehouse A
      - Off2 is responsible for warehouse B

4. Create separate shops for warehouse :
      Shops (under Sales > Configuration > Sales > Shop):
                - Shop WH A (warehouse: Warehouse A)
                - Shop WH B (warehouse: Warehouse B)

5. Create Location separate for warehouse :
     - WH A (view location)
              -- Output (internal location; chained to Customer: Stock Journal WH A Delivery Orders)
              -- Stock (internal location)
     - WH B (view location)
              -- Output (internal location; chained to Customer: Stock Journal WH B Delivery Orders)
              -- Stock (internal location)

Stock Journals:
- WH A Delivery Orders (responsible: off1)
- WH B Delivery Orders (responsible: off2)

Tips : When you create sale order than set particular shop for proper output.

Shortly i update Warehouse Configuration with full video...

Thursday, 3 January 2013

How to extend local storage ?

                                                                                                              Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                              OpenERP , Gandhinagar.

How to extend local storage ?

Hello Friends ,

  If you all are using OpenERP POS than there may be you face error like this ,

Ok this error came from local storage , because in OpenERP 7 POS module ,

we load all information related to POS in local storage for fast access and offline work.

Offline Work :

Why this needed ?
             Normally, if our server not responded or may be there are some problem to receiving any answer from server than we have need all info to store in local Database, So OpenERP Support for that and whenever server up(before closing) than it will automatically store or synchronized all orders.
  If your data more than 5MB in POS than it will creates problem to you because most of browsers support 5MB local storage. 

But if you are using Firefox than here a solution that will provide you facility to exceed local storage.


Monday, 10 December 2012

How to work with thunderbird and OpenERP V 7.0

                                                                                                                       Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                                       OpenERP, Gandhinagar,

Thunderbird what a cool idea.
Mozilla Thunderbird lets you manage multiple POP and IMAP email accounts and reads RSS feeds.
OpenERP provides such a facility which makes you able work with direct Thunderbird. 

I will try to explain how its useful in OpenERP.
- With the use of thunderbird you can direct push a particular mail to particular contacts in OpenERP.
- You can manage your leads, and lots of thing with OpenERP7.

Here i described video that will showing you how to work with OpenERP thunderbird plugin.
Here , How to work with thunderbird and OpenERP V 7.0.


Work with different languages in OpenERP

                                                                                                                          Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                                          OpenERP, Gandhinagar,

Work with different languages

Working with different languages in OpenERP.  Here i tried to show you how we configure languages as well as translated term. OpenERP default provides translated term but which term you define dynamically enter that you have to translated value.

Here i tried to define video that will show you how to define term.
Work with different languages in OpenERP.


Monday, 23 July 2012

Deleted Records in OpenERP

                                                                                                                            Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                                            OpenERP, Gandhinagar.

Something you need to keep in mind is how OpenERP “deletes” its records. 

It does not physically remove them. 

It just marks them as deleted

And it does so with the active field in the table. 

This field, which happens to be a boolean field, if true indicates that the record is not deleted. 

Otherwise you should not take the record into account in your queries.


Friday, 20 July 2012

Debugging your OpenERP module

                                                                                                                            Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                                            OpenERP, Gandhinagar.

Debugging your OpenERP modules is quite straightforward, as long as you know basic Python programming. Just insert the following line in your
import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
Then restart your openerp-server with the –debugoption
# openerp-server –debug
Then monitor your server console. You will see your server stop and show you a command line prompt where you will be able to debug your program.
You will find further information in the Python documentation website.


Monday, 9 July 2012


Outlook Plugin of OpenERP 

Sometimes its needed to how to install plugin , we have plugin but we don't know the way from where we install it, So, i hope this will be useful to you .  OpenERP.

-  First you need MSI file of the plugin to install this file you can find from the below path of your    
      - addons
                     -  For 32 bit machine addons/plugin_outlook/static/openerp-outlook-plugin/OpenERPOutlookPluginSetup32.msi * 
                     -  For 64 bit machine addons/plugin_outlook/static/openerp-outlook-plugin/OpenERPOutlookPluginSetup32.msi 

- Double click on msi file and click on next next and finish as you install exe in windows. 
    Once it is installed, If office 2007 You can see the OpenERP menu. 
    If office 2010 You can see the menu : Addin -> OpenERP


Thursday, 21 June 2012

OpenERP Mail Server Setting

                                                                                                                       Pinakin Nayi
                                                                                                                       Info-city, Gandhinagar.

OpenERP Mail Configuration.

OpenERP Outgoing Mail Server Setting..

       You all are going to search how to set OpenERP Outgoing mail server setting. I hope these are helpful to you.


Thursday, 3 May 2012

OpenERP Security issue

OpenERP Security its too cool..
Security is the main issue in any organization or firm because without it, its became handicapped . 
So, its needed in OpenERP to define security means access rules as well as access rights that will restrict the user to use particular.

Here i described one security file that will describe the groups.

I hope its useful to you all. 
Security and implies_ids

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data noupdate="1">
    <record id="base.group_library_user" model="res.groups">
        <field name="name">Library User</field>
    <record id="base.group_library_librarian" model="res.groups">
        <field name="name">Librarian</field>
    <record id="base.group_lib_resuser_employee" model="res.groups">
        <field name="name">Employees</field>
        <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_human_resources"/>
        <field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('base.group_library_user'))]"/>


Auto Number Generate in OpenERP

Auto Number Generate in OpenERP

Simply just create a new file .xml
lib.resource = table name

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <data noupdate="1">

        <!-- Sequences for lib.resource -->
        <record id="seq_type_library_sub_resource" model="ir.sequence.type">
            <field name="name">Library Resource</field>
            <field name="code">lib.sub.resource</field>

        <record id="seq_library_sub_resource" model="ir.sequence">
            <field name="name">Library Resource</field>
            <field name="code">lib.sub.resource</field>
            <field name="prefix">BC</field>
            <field name="padding">10</field>


simply write below code in your view.xml file
 <record id="seq_type_library_sub_resource" model="ir.sequence.type">
            <field name="name">Library Resource</field>
            <field name="code">lib.sub.resource</field>

        <record id="seq_library_sub_resource" model="ir.sequence">
            <field name="name">Library Resource</field>
            <field name="code">lib.sub.resource</field>
            <field name="prefix">BC</field>
            <field name="padding">10</field>

and in your .py file in _default simply write the below code 

_defaults : 
    'number': lambda obj, cr, uid, context: obj.pool.get('ir.sequence').get(cr, uid, 'lib.resource'),

Install Eclipse for OpeERP

   OpenERP    :     6.1
  Postgresql   :     9.1
  Eclispe        :     latest in ubuntu repository

Run the following commands from the terminal.

  1) Installs eclipse and its dependencies.
                  sudo apt-get update
                  sudo apt-get install  eclipse

  2)Installs python and its libraries packages required for openerp-server
                sudo apt-get install python python-psycopg2 python-reportlab python-pychart python-pydot 
                 python-egenix-mxdatetime python-lxml python-libxslt1 python-tz python-dateutil python-vobject
                 python-mako python-yaml python-dev python-setuptools python-pybabel
3)OpenerpERP server uses postgresql database server for its working so,
                 sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
                 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pitti/postgresql
                 sudo apt-get update
                 sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 postgresql-client-9.1 postgresql-contrib-9.1

  4)Create a database user for OpenERP in postgresql server, who can create  databases and manipulate them.
                 sudo su postgres
                 createuser <system-user-name> (enter "y" when prompted for super user role)

 5)Openerp-server 6.1 requires Werkzeug and Python-openid packages to be installed.
                        Werkzeug-0.8.3.tar.gz#md5=12aa03e302ce49da98703938f257347a  (copy the full link)

                   tar -zxvf  Werkzeug-0.8.3.tar.gz
                   cd Werkzeug-0.8.3
                   python install
                   cd ..
                        python-openid-2.2.5.tar.gz#md5=393f48b162ec29c3de9e2973548ea50d  (copy the full link)

                   tar -zxvf python-openid/python-openid-2.2.5.tar.gz
                   cd python-openid-2.2.5
                   python install
                   cd ..

 6) Install PyDev plugin in eclipse
            a)help -> Install New Software.
            b)In Install dialog box, Click Add.
            c)Give name ‘pydev’ and type the path. i.e.
            d)click ok.
            e)select pydev checkbox and follow the steps by clicking finish
 7)Adding python in eclipse can be done by
           a)window -> Preferences
           b)In Preferences dialog box expand pydev from left side tree
           c)click on Interpreter-Python
           d)click new (python interpreter)
           e)browse and select  "File System-->usr-->bin-->python" and  also give name "python2.6"
           f) click ok then again ok
8)Download Openerp 6.1 source tarball from,
9)Extract the tarball downloaded and create a folder Openerp and move the tarball and extract it there, rename it  
10)Switch the workspace folder to created Openerp folder and create a new Pydev project in eclipse named Openerp-6.1.
          New-> project --> Pydev --> Pydev project
          project name - Openerp-6.1
          check Use default
          Press F5 after creating the project to refresh the workspace.
11)In Eclipse package explorer, Rename openerp-server in Openerp-6.1 folder to
          Right Click on, --> Run as --> Python run.
            Openerp web can be accessed from the browser through browser http://localhost:8069.

Hope this blog might be helpful.

Thanks ,
Pinakin Nayi
OpenERP , Gandhinagar.