Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Set reply to in OpenERP

How to set reply to in OpenERP ?

I think you all are searching about how to use reply-to in OpenERP 7.0 ?

If we are about to set mail configuration of any company than there is mail alias in picture we already talked about mail alias as how to set and configure mail alias and how it works.
Mail Alias in OpenERP

But, the problem when we send a mail to any customer and if customer reply to that mail at that time there may be chances to loose
mail so we need to configure reply to proper so whenever customer reply than it will take the reply to mail.

so, there are two ways either we hard code for reply to and another way little bit hacking like set defaults from web UI .

Here, i defined some steps so admin can easily configure default.

1. Just login with admin user.
2. Activate developer mode .

3. Now, go to mails and create a new mail and set reply to any mail you want to set in reply to.

4. open debug mode and select "Set Defaults" so it will open one dialog from that select reply to = XXXXX and set as per requirement for all users or only one.

Now, You can test there is reply to added in mail....

.. Enjoy ..