Pinakin Nayi OpenERP, Gandhinagar, India.
Thunderbird what a cool idea.
Mozilla Thunderbird lets you manage multiple POP and IMAP email accounts and reads RSS feeds. OpenERP provides such a facility which makes you able work with direct Thunderbird. I will try to explain how its useful in OpenERP. - With the use of thunderbird you can direct push a particular mail to particular contacts in OpenERP. - You can manage your leads, and lots of thing with OpenERP7. Here i described video that will showing you how to work with OpenERP thunderbird plugin.
Here , How to work with thunderbird and OpenERP V 7.0.
Working with different languages in OpenERP. Here i tried to show you how we configure languages as well as translated term. OpenERP default provides translated term but which term you define dynamically enter that you have to translated value. Here i tried to define video that will show you how to define term. Work with different languages in OpenERP.
How to install all modules at once in OpenERP 7.0?
Hello to all,
When we use OpenERP than sometimes its needed to install all modules without selecting one by one and install it. OpenERP 7 gives you facility so, you can install all modules at once. I think its more useful, am i right?
Here i described some of steps which make
5 features in OpenERP really nice. Have you tried???
1) Google docs Add attachment to any particular record or any module. You can add google docs. 2) Import Google meeting,Import Google Contacts To import the meeting from your google account(google calandar) to OpenERP Event Management Module.To import the contacts from your google account(google contacts) to OpenERP contacts. 3) Sign in with Google and Facebook(auth openid) You can login in OpenERP with different login id. 4) Lunch Module One of the best and very useful module in OpenERP. To Manage company meals. 5) Fleet Module vehicles-related data of company. You can keep track of vehicle contracts, car-related services and refueling logs. With this module you can easily keep records of your vehicles, assign an employee to them, update the odometers and so on.
Procurement is most useful in OpenERP, here i described some of steps that show you flow.
Here steps that might be useful to you. Step 1 : Warehouse - Create New Product - Update Quantity on Hand - Set Sale price and cost price - Create Supplier for that particular product - Create minimum stock rules for that particular product Step 2 : Sale Order - Create one sale order(select product and set related quantity available) - Confirm order Step 3 : Warehouse - Create Delivery order - check availability - Process - Validate Step 4 : Scheduler - Run Scheduler Step 5 : Purchase Order Now , you can look there is one purchase order created with related quantity.