Friday, 21 February 2014

Odoo Example Flow

Complete Example:

Steps :

1. Create a new customer

2. Create a new product category and product

3. Add Minimum Stock Rules

4. Create a Bill of Material

5. Warehouse and locations

6. Create a sales quotation

7. Confirm the sales order

8. Run the scheduler

9. Change the purchase request and confirm it

10.Receive the products

11.Create the draft purchase invoice

12.Run the scheduler again

13.Start manufacturing

14.Deliver the goods to the customer and create draft sales invoice

15.Create the sales invoice

16.Confirm the purchase invoice


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Know object/table size in Odoo database

Table Size in Odoo

Every time after backup we check how much space needed. Its necessary, but its normal if we have lots of space, but when database size continuously increase then we need to check which table/object increase your database size so fast.

So, in PostgreSQL if we want to see which table/object increase your database size then by following sql query, you can easily know which object consume how much.

[Query ]:
SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS "relation",
pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_size"
FROM pg_class C
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
AND C.relkind <> 'i'
AND nspname !~ '^pg_toast'
ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) DESC
LIMIT 100;


Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Hide field in tree view based on condition

Hide Field in Tree view

In tree view we know how to put domain or attrs to visible or invisible any field,

But, if we want to hide particular field in tree view based on type or state means based on any condition , then its hard to hide as we cannot use attrs to hide as attrs hide only value not a field.

So, its need to put some condition like below as its get value from context and check.

invisible="context.get('picking_type', False) in ['in']"

Version : V8

Monday, 16 December 2013

Call xmlrpc when want to access functional field

Hello All,

In openerp sometimes we need to update database value on basis of some field value, we can direct do it but if we want to apply in old data then we use sql query and we update but if there is functional field which is not stored in database but you need to update data base on it. At that time we can do it by xmlrpc.

Here, i defined xmlrpc script in which if there is Purchase order which is 'received' and 'invoiced' but still not in 'done' state by this script purchase order gone in 'done' state.

Purchase Order Done :

import xmlrpclib
import time

username = 'admin' #the user
pwd = 'a'      #the password of the user
dbname = 'test'    #the database
model = 'purchase.order' # model name

# Get the uid
sock_common = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy ('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/common')
uid = sock_common.login(dbname, username, pwd)

#replace localhost with the address of the server
sock = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('http://localhost:8069/xmlrpc/object')

# argument passed to search
args = [('shipped', '=', True), ('state', 'not in', ['done']), ('invoice_method', 'in', ['manual','picking'])]
# search ids
ids = sock.execute(dbname, uid, pwd, model, 'search', args)

# READ functional field
ids_f = []
fields = ['invoiced']
po_ord = sock.execute(dbname, uid, pwd, model, 'read', ids, fields)
for re in po_ord :
    if re['invoiced'] :

# write state done
values = {'state':'done'}
results = sock.execute(dbname, uid, pwd, model, 'write', ids_f, values)

if ids_f :
    print "Successfully applied records ",ids_f
    print "No records found to update"


Thursday, 28 November 2013

Add tag in advance search

Hello All,

In openerp there is functionality so we can see the field with combination of more than one field, means field one is display with field 1+ field 2
ex. field 1 value = 'My Account' field 2 = '007' now with the use of name_search method we can concete both fields and its look like 'oo7/My Account' . Now, in this case its became very hard to search so openerp provides one way as a put a tag on search. So, its became eady to you what you want to search. Tags look like , 'name:YOUR_VALUE' , 'code:YOUR_VALUE'..

To do, you need to add following code,

+            if name and str(name).startswith('name:'):
+                acc_name = name.split(':')[1]
+                args += [('name', operator, acc_name)]
+                name = False
+            if name and str(name).startswith('code:'):
+                code = name.split(':')[1]
+                args += [('code', operator, code)]
+                name = False

You  can use it like following way,


Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Set reply to in OpenERP

How to set reply to in OpenERP ?

I think you all are searching about how to use reply-to in OpenERP 7.0 ?

If we are about to set mail configuration of any company than there is mail alias in picture we already talked about mail alias as how to set and configure mail alias and how it works.
Mail Alias in OpenERP

But, the problem when we send a mail to any customer and if customer reply to that mail at that time there may be chances to loose
mail so we need to configure reply to proper so whenever customer reply than it will take the reply to mail.

so, there are two ways either we hard code for reply to and another way little bit hacking like set defaults from web UI .

Here, i defined some steps so admin can easily configure default.

1. Just login with admin user.
2. Activate developer mode .

3. Now, go to mails and create a new mail and set reply to any mail you want to set in reply to.

4. open debug mode and select "Set Defaults" so it will open one dialog from that select reply to = XXXXX and set as per requirement for all users or only one.

Now, You can test there is reply to added in mail....

.. Enjoy ..

Friday, 13 September 2013

Only Tax invoice with OpenERP

Today , concern about how to create any invoice with only tax amount.

In real business sometimes its needed to create invoice where there is no any products but only vat or any tax.

Ex. Suppose in shipping company which contain an invoice line relating to import VAT. That means that the VAT amount is not a fixed percentage of the invoice.

So, how we can enter supplier invoice ?

Here are some steps that may be useful to you.

1. Set up Tax through(Accounting > Configuration > Tax).
    And in it just set tax type to "Python code"
    And set as follow(in result just assign price_unit direct no need to multiply).
Python Code
# price_unit
# product: product.product object or None
# partner: res.partner object or None

result = price_unit
Python Code (reverse)
# price_unit
# product: product.product object or False

result = price_unit
And just tick "Tax included in price" (so it consider as the tax already included in price).
2. Now, its time to create a new product named like "VAT" service type.
    Under the Accounting tab in product add supplier Taxes to be the created tax.
3. Now, create a supplier invoice and in it select created product VAT, and you can edit unit price and set it as per requirement. 
  So, you can see the whole amount treat as tax and you can validate invoice.

Why we have to go through this process ?? Because in OpenERP will not allow you to create any invoice without invoice line.

Hope this will help to you.
