Showing posts with label odoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label odoo. Show all posts

Friday, 24 December 2021

Odoo V15: Exclusive


1. How to activate Cookie Bar in Odoo 15 ?

From the website settings you can activate customisable cookie bar in Odoo 15

2. Search bar building block in Odoo 15

3. Odoo 15 : Optional product, Alternative / Similar product, Accessory product

In Odoo have facility to set different suggestion to your visitors.

Alternative Product means similar products you can suggest to your customer when they are checking product.

4. Odoo 15: Invoice specific timesheet period entries only

Odoo gives you facility to choose the specific period for timesheet to invoice

You can invoice timesheets from specific period

5. Overtime in Odoo 15

Difference between the number of hours recorded and the number of hours the employee was supposed to work according to his contract

more , coming soon....

Friday, 2 February 2018

Upselling in Odoo

Upselling in Odoo

Simply Upselling means deliver more than ordered...

Sometimes you are going to deliver goods/services to your customer more than it was ordered because of your customer’s record..

Assume, you have a service based company to deliver product "Customization services".

You are charging based on time estimation(you had contract with customer).

So, let's check the same thing how can we do inside odoo...

- Install Sales, Project, Timesheet

- Check the product configuration,

Invoice Policy : Ordered

Track Service : Time-Sheet on Contract

That's it..

As customer demanding we are create Sales order at our side.

Initially customer demand service of 40 hours and confirm now on the same time we issued invoice against service and customer paid us for same(as per our invoice policy, Ordered).

After that we issued Project of our customer. And assign Developer to work on the same.

The Developer started work on the same and record their timing.

Now, Let's assume the developer person recorded 40 hours of work but still few things are left to do so after confirmation of customer developer continue to work and at last Developer recorded 60 hours on project...

After that company have to know the remaining to invoice hours and that will be easily find out under Up Selling menu and we can easily issue the invoice for the remaining hours.

Video :

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Friday, 22 December 2017

Skip Quality Check for some products

Skip Quality Check for some products

Suppose your business have 3 steps receiving process. (Vendor -> Quality control -> Stock)

But in some of the cases you have some products that don't need to check quality. So in this case you want to configure your odoo like to skip quality check for some products.

This one you can do easily by configuring your warehouse default route.

- When you activate 3 step strategies for purchase in Odoo, the route will be created and assigned the warehouse.

So first you need to make the generic step route to product category specific.

To do follow the steps:

1) Make the warehouse route to product or product category specific (by removing warehouse field on route)

Uploaded by Awesome Screenshot Extension

2) Create another route like Supplier -> Stock . (tick apply on product and/or product category)

Uploaded by Awesome Screenshot Extension

3) Assign newly created Route to product/Product category, That's it...

Uploaded by Awesome Screenshot Extension

4) Also assign the 3 step route to 'All' category.

Uploaded by Awesome Screenshot Extension


Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Use of different location type in Odoo

Vendor Location: Virtual location representing the source location for products coming from your vendors

- This is the locaction you can set on your vendor, may this will be generic or supplier specific.
- This location will be considered when you are purchase something, in your incoming recipt "Source Location Zone".

View: Virtual location used to create a hierarchical structures for your warehouse, aggregating its child locations ; can't directly contain products

Internal Location: Physical locations inside your own warehouses,

- They can be the loading and unloading area of your warehouse, a shelf or a department, etc.

Customer Location: Virtual location representing the destination location for products sent to your customers

Inventory Loss: Virtual location serving as counterpart for inventory operations used to correct stock levels (Physical inventories)

Procurement: Virtual location serving as temporary counterpart for procurement operations when the source (vendor or production) is not known yet. This location should be empty when the procurement scheduler has finished running.

Production: Virtual counterpart location for production operations: this location consumes the raw material and produces finished products

Transit Location: Counterpart location that should be used in inter-companies or inter-warehouses operations

The Virtual Locations are places that do not exist, but in which products can be placed when they are not physically in an inventory yet (or anymore). They come in handy when you want to place lost products out of your stock (in the Inventory loss), or when you want to take into account products that are on their way to your warehouse (Procurements).
(source from : odoo)

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Multi Currency in Odoo

Multi Currency in Odoo

When we are dealing with multiple currencies we need to configure those rate correctly in system.

To do, first make sure you have multiple currency activated(To activate Go to Accounting > Setting under Accounting & Finance find out "Allow multi currencies" and activate it)

After Activate go to debug mode (To do this click on your Username in the top right of the backend (in my case it was 'Administrator') then click on About and then Activate the Developer mode)

Now, you can see new menu added in Accounting > Configuration > Multi Currencies. You can see list of currencies, now first of all find out your company currency and set currency rate 1.0. now for the rest of currencies find out currency rate against your company currency and add it(If you have enterprise version then you can use auto update currency rate using yahoo finance,...).

That's it.

Example :

My company currency INR, so i change current rate of INR to 1.0 and for rest of currency like EUR, USD i can set rate against INR means
1 INR = ? EUR, 1 INR = ? USD .


Wednesday, 30 September 2015

What is landed cost in Odoo?

What is landed cost ?

Basically landed cost means Product Price + Extra Price.

Ultimately, we have to calculate cost price with all extra cost(customs, duties, taxes, insurance,..) then only we able to calculate correct stock valuation.

Let's take one example for better idea,

Suppose, i have 2 iPad mini, each priced at 150/unit.

- Selling price : 300 Euro in Belgium
- Transport charge : 9 Euro
- Duty : 11 Euro

Total Landed cost : 320 Euro at receipient address.

So here for 2 iPad mini i have total cost 320 Euro.

Product Cost price       : 300
+ Landed cost(9 + 11) :  20

Now, in my business how can i allocate landed cost charges, so for that we have different spiting methods(equally, by quantity,...)

equal : we want to allocate cost equally. So here iPad mini 160/unit

In Odoo :

Configuration :

  • install landed cost module
  • Set Costing Method : Real Price (on product category OR generic setting)
    • Inventory Valuation : Perpetual (automated) [real]
    • Stock Input Account
    • Stock Output Account
    • Stock Valuation Account

That's it.

Full Test Case :

  • Create one product iPad Mini (stock able type)
  • Now on product category(v9) define costing method : Real Price
    • Inventory Valuation : Periodic, Stock Input A/c(asset type), Stock Output A/c(expense type), Stock Valuation A/c(asset type).

  • Create one landed cost type product(transport charge) : product type- service, Landed Costs : True
  • Create Purchase order for "2 iPad Mini" product and complete flow(receive)
  • Create Landed cost and select above incoming picking and add cost lines(transport charges) choose split method equal
  • Click on compute to calculate "Valuation Adjustments".
  • Now simply validate

To see updated cost price of your stock :
 Go to Inventory > Reports > Stock Valuation and in Inventory Value you can see the updated cost price.
Here, you can see original inventory value of your business.

Landed cost type have different split methods,

Equal : Equally allocate the landed cost to products
By Quantity : Allocate cost based on the quantity of each products
By current cost : Allocate landed cost based on current cost of each products(after multiplying qty)
By weight : Allocate landed cost based on weight of each products
By Volume : Allocate landed cost based on value of each products


Thursday, 9 April 2015

Odoo New "Accounting" documentation

New Odoo Accounting Doc ..

Recommend for better visibility : Odoo Accounting


Tuesday, 6 January 2015

How to work with "Fiscal Position" in Odoo (foremly OpenERP) ?

How to work with "Fiscal Position" in Odoo (foremly OpenERP) ?

Why fiscal position needed ?

  • When we work in multi company/multi country/multi state environment and we have multi tax system, we need to use fiscal position.

How to configure Fiscal Position ?

  • Install Account
  • Give Technical Rights to user(suppose:Admin)
  • Go to Accounting > Configuration > Taxes > Fiscal Positions

Now suppose, on product "Computer" normally 15% sales Tax apply but as per Indian country rule sale tax applied 20% instead of 15%. So, in this case we create new

Fiscal Position like :

To Test : Create new Customer with country : India, Fiscal Position : "Sales Tax 20%"

Now, Create new Customer Invoice of above customer and add "Computer" Product in invoice line.


Thursday, 18 September 2014

Odoo V8 Release

Your Ends Here....

Odoo(OpenERP) V8 released....

You can find more information here.....

Try Online(any apps) : Start..
(if you know apps name then just go :
No Need to register

Official announce :

What is Odoo :

Release Note:

Brand Assets


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

work with Marketing Campaign Odoo(formelly OpenERP)

How to work with Marketing Campaign Odoo(formelly OpenERP) ?

1. If you want to send an email based on campaign, you need to create campaign first with mode: Normal(can be any).
2. Assign that created campaign to the segment.You can also apply filter, if you want to send an email to specific group.
3. You need to run the campaign, and then you can run the segment.
4. Based on the given criteria, Campaign follow-up will be taken.
Based on syncronization mode the mail will be sent.

For more info:

Hope this information may help you.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Work with analytic Distribution in OpenERP

Analytic Distribution

Analytic Distribution is mainly used for spreading/dividing your expense/income in various analytic account (i.e. cost account) in OpenERP.
Work with analytic Distribution in OpenERP

There are various application of analytic distribution in real business case.
Let's take one business case in which a company wants to distribute it's income between various departments:
A IT company provide consultancy services for the software solution.
The company is interested to divide it's income real-time between it's main three departments 

1. Analysis and Design 2. Coding and testing 3. Deployment.

It also wants that when customer invoice is created for particular client PROJECT, the invoice amount will be divide in these three departments as below:

1. Analysis and Design: 50%
2. Coding and testing : 30%
3. Deployment : 20%
You can easily configure this requirement in OpenERP using Analytic Distribution.
Just create three analytic account (Analysis and Design a/c, Coding and testing a/c, Deployment a/c). Make sure that the parent account of these accounts is the client project's analytic account.
Now configure Analytic Distribution by adding these three analytic accounts with their respective part in percentage.
Add this analytic distribution at the time of encoding customer invoice line.
Now validate that invoice and check the "Analytic Chart of Account" in order to check the effect of Analytic Distribution.
